
Healthy Foods:

Must be in your Diet for High BP management ( Help in Lowering BP with Medicine)

1- Banana : Rich in Potassium helps in decreasing Sodium (Salt) from the body and relaxing the blood vessel walls. This relaxation of Blood vessel walls resulting in easy movement of blood in veigns.

2-Apple: may lower blood pressure due to their flavonoids, which improve endothelial function by boosting nitric oxide production, which signals blood vessels to relax, lowering blood pressure.
Flavonoids have very vast range of impact on Human cellular biochemical reactions.
Flavonoids can be of different types dipending upon the Fruit type, are phytonutrients found in plants, fruits, vegetables, grains, bark, roots, stems, flowers, tea, and wine.
They have anty inflamatary and anty oxidant properties,preventing mutation, interfering with the development of cancer, and regulating key cellular enzyme functions.
Flavonoids can also be taken as Food Suplements with proper Medical Consultations.

Nutrient-Rich: Apricots are packed with essential nutrients that contribute to cardiovascular health. These include:Potassium: Apricots are rich in potassium, which helps balance sodium levels in the body. Lower sodium levels can lead to reduced blood pressure1.
Calcium: Adequate calcium intake supports overall heart health.
Magnesium: Magnesium plays a role in muscle function, including the heart muscle.
Vitamin C: This antioxidant supports blood vessel health.
Pectin: Found in apricots, pectin may help absorb excess cholesterol from the bloodstream, promoting better cardiovascular health and lower blood pressure.

A-Enhanced Circulation: Apricots can enhance circulation and increase artery elasticity, both of which contribute to better blood pressure control.

B-Dietary Fiber: Apricots are full of dietary fiber. Research has shown that dietary fiber can help lower blood pressure. It reduces systolic blood pressure by approximately 1.12 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure by about 1.26 mmHg.

C-Natural Approach: From natural herbs to plant-based diets, incorporating apricots into your diet is a natural way to support heart health and maintain regulated blood pressure levels.

4-Citrus Fruits: The antyoxidents rich superfood available at very easily and low price have great sourse of Flovonoids as per Appl, work great with balanced food specially for 40+ people who can consume without medical consultation. Older one should maintain balance in food habit due to high citric acid contant that can effect lungs related problems. 

5-Nuts (Pistachios, Almond,Walnuts): Are all great source of nutrients and Natural oil that helps in repairing blood vessels wall and maintaining them young. All types of Nuts helps in decreasing wear and tear of the skin cell and maintain high fiber for ease in digesion.

6-Pomegranats: Iron rich fruit that helps seniors in balancing heamoglobin in blood flued and other antyoxidents to help improve systolic blood pressure regardless of the amount consumed or the duration. 
Researchers found that having more than 1 cup of pomegranate juice may reduce diastolic blood pressure (the bottom number), but without external sugar.

7-Green Leaves: 
Green vegetables like kale, cabbage, and spinach are a rich source of nitrates, which can lower blood pressure.
One study found that consuming 60 milligrams of dietary nitrate, which is equivalent to 1 cup of leafy greens per day, may help reduce blood pressure and lower the risk of cardiovascular disease.

8-Fish (Salmon, Sardine): Fatty fish are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which can benefit heart health. It is Recommended consuming fatty fish at least twice a week as part of a healthy diet to reduce your heart disease and stroke risk.

9-Blueberry: It help lower blood pressure due to their anthocyanins (a polyphenol). In one study, participants who drank a beverage made with freeze-dried wild blueberry powder daily (a little more than 1 cup) saw a reduction in their systolic blood pressure compared to the placebo group. They also experienced improvements in blood vessel function and cognitive function.

10-Beetroot: Research suggests beetroot juice can help reduce blood pressure and increase blood flow, improving heart health, likely due to its high nitrate levels. we suggest consuming beetroot juice daily for at least two weeks for better results but the resul will be different person to person.

11-Garlic and Ginger: garlic extract, can help lower blood pressure, arterial stiffness, and cholesterol levels.
Ginger doses greater than 3 grams can significantly improve systolic and diastolic blood pressure in adults below 50.

12-Tomatos: Tomatoes contain lycopene and potassium, which may affect heart health. It is found that 10–15 milligrams of tomato extract with lycopene daily significantly improved systolic blood pressure in people with and without high blood pressure.


If bleeding is heavy during periods and prolonged, then it is a matter of serious  health concern, and women face a lot of physical issues along with mental tension due to prolonged heavy bleeding. women are always trying to overcome this problem. Due to this, women keep adopting various measures whether they are safe or not.

In such circumstances, women become irritable, weak and sick, sometimes due to heavy bleeding, they have to be admitted in the hospital to save their lives in emergency situations.

Causes of menorrhagia (heavy blood flow during periods):

A) Fibroids: Uterine fibroids are non-cancerous muscle tumors that can cause heavy menstrual bleeding. About 30% of patients with uterine fibroids experience heavy menstrual bleeding, also known as menorrhagia. 

  Causes of fibroids: Increases blood flow to the uterus, causing the uterus to contract     improperly. Stimulates the growth of blood vessels.

Other symptoms of uterine fibroids:
- pelvic pain 
- infertility 
- Bladder problems 
-Anemia (due to prolonged bleeding and Iron Loss) 
-Enlarged stomach or waist 

B) Imbalance in the secretion of hormones: Imbalance in the levels of estrogen and progesterone can lead to menorrhagia or prolonged heavy periods. These hormones help form the endometrium, which bleeds every month during periods.

Hormonal imbalance: Affects the menstrual cycle. Both parts of the brain, the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland, control the menstrual cycle. These are sensitive to external factors such as exercise, sleep and stress.